Available Services
West Carleton Disaster Relief is here to connect you to available services.
If you have concerns of structural issues please email us WCDRflood2019@gmail.com
Insurance Issues: Insurance Bureau of Canada:
Questions & Complaints; 1-844-227-5422
Advocacy, to work on your behalf; Pete Karageorgos, Director Consumer & Industry Relations 416-362-2031 / pkarageorgos@ibc.ca
West Carleton Food Access Centre:
613-832-5685 | wcfoodaid@gmail.com, please call or email to arrange a pickup time.
Clothing: Savvy Seconds Free Clothing Store:
5670 Carp Road: 613-240-8644 | vljones@ymail.com, please email Vera for anything you need.
Disaster Ottawa - Household Item Exchange:
Many free items available from residents around Ottawa
Councillor El-Chantiry
613-580-2475 / el-chantiry@ottawa.ca
Further Assistance for Repairs and Rebuilding
Ontario Renovates - program administered by the City’s Housing Services branch ("Housing Services"), provides limited funding to low-income seniors and to persons with disabilities who own their home for necessary repairs and accessibility modifications to support independent living. Please call 311 for more information.
Well water in affected areas can be contaminated
DO NOT drink the water, do not use for hand washing or bathing!
Bottled water, showers, towels and toiletries are available at the Constance Bay Community Centre.
Please view ottawapublichealth.ca or visit a public health official at the Constance Bay Community Centre.
Daily pick up of well water tests is now available at nine locations throughout the city.
Please wait until water subsides to test.
Tests can not be relied upon until flood water is no longer present at your well.
Check list for Water Sample:
Electrocution risks and harmful bacteria, viruses or other microorganisms may be present in floodwater, even if they do not involve sewage backups. In some circumstances, chemical hazards may also be a concern.
Always consider floodwater and surfaces that have been in contact with floodwater to be unsafe.
If you are unsure of the power situation in homes near a flooded area do not enter the water. ESA officials regular test in the flooded areas. Call 1-877-372-7233.
Wear personal protective clothing and equipment when working in floodwaters. This may include rubber boots and waterproof gloves.
Hand washing / hand-hygiene is important even if you have worn gloves – always wash your hands after removing your gloves and before eating or drinking.
Always wash your hands with soap and clean water or use an alcohol-based hand rub before preparing or eating food, after toilet use, after contact with floodwater, and after handling articles contaminated with floodwater.
If you cut or puncture your skin, clean and disinfect the wound as soon as possible and then protect it by keeping it dry and clean. Seek medical attention if you have not had a tetanus shot in the past 10 years or if signs or symptoms of infection, such as redness, swelling or oozing develop.
Toilets and septic systems are often impacted by floodwater. To prevent sewage backing up into your home only flush your toilets and drain water from your sinks if your septic system is not submerged in floodwater.
Sign Up HERE
Please take a moment to register for our mailing list so we can keep you up to date
on programs and services that may become available to assist with your flood recovery.
The services listed are currently available for Tornado affected residents.
Your emotional health:
West Ottawa Community Resource Centre are available for local & group counselling for survivors: call 613-591-3686 and ask to speak to a tornado counsellor or visit the drop-in at the WC Community Complex, across from Eli's Office, 9 to 3 on Fridays and from 9 to 12 on Saturdays.
Disaster Recovery Assistance for Ontarians (DRAO): 1-844-780-8925 /
DEADLINE September 4th. Feedback on progress of applications and support during negotiations is welcome and available
Red Cross: Providing financial assistance for people “struggling in a variety of ways. The funding raised for the families affected by the 2018 Tornado has now been spent or allocated. There will be no further individual payments made.
Insurance Issues: Insurance Bureau of Canada:
· Questions & Complaints; 1-844-227-5422
· Advocacy, to work on your behalf; Pete Karageorgos, Director Consumer & Industry Relations 416-362-2031 / pkarageorgos@ibc.ca
Food: West Carleton Food Access Centre: 613-832-5685 / wcfoodaid@gmail.com, please call or email Mary for anything you need and to arrange a pick up time.
Household items & services: Disaster Ottawa – Household Item Exchange (FB) (this is the place for people to post any furniture etc. they would like to donate,
Clothing: Savvy Seconds, 5670 Carp Road: 613-240-8644 / vljones@ymail.com, please email Vera for anything you need.
Councillor; El-Chantiry: 613-580-2475 / el-chantiry@ottawa.ca
Engineering Reports: WCDR will commission structural reports for residents wanting a second opinion:
Housing: Marc Papineau and his team at help@dreamlivingott.ca, (at this time we do not require new accommodations)
Property Tax refunds/deferrals: taxadjustments@ottawa.ca
HST REBATE (for new or substantially renovated homes): https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency
Tree Removal: WCDR crews, cranes, and other equipment are available to remove broken and hung up trees. The service has wrapped up for the winter but will resume in the spring:
Storage: WCDR will make storage containers and storage units at Blue Moon available to protect uninsured property for residents affected by the Tornado: westcarletonrelief@gmail.com. We encourage residents to contact WCDR for assistance in relocating any unattended PODs still in the village to a more secure & monitored location.
Bell - please call the special Tornado assistance line; 1-877-491-4844
Enbridge Gas - 613-748-6890
Electrical Safety Authority - 1-877-372-7233 / esasafe.com
Hydro One - 613-748-6890 / customercommunications@hydroone.com / hydroone.com