After the tornado of September 21st, 2018, an outpouring of support came to the West Carleton Area. The people of West Carleton and the larger Ottawa area showed just how a community could come together in a time of great suffering. Clean up groups were organized, large donations of clothing, cleaning materials, chain saws, tarps, food and much more, were graciously brought to West Carleton. Community leaders rallied together to provide the highest level of service possible under extreme circumstances. The objective was to help our affected residents and business to return to their homes and livelihoods as quickly as possible.
Considering that change is inevitable, the West Carleton area hit by the tornado will never look the same, however, the community has come along way from that September 21st evening. In the two years since the tornado, very positive changes have occurred. Firstly the houses, of which most are rebuilt, are beautiful and represent renewal and progress. A number of businesses affected have recovered or resettled in Dunrobin and are back serving the community. With the help of Trees Canada and the City of Ottawa, new, young trees have been planted offering hope for future generations. The landscape still has it’s scars, but time will heal them and we are already seeing the beauty of the area coming back.
When West Carleton Disaster Relief came to existence, being born out of the rubble of that tornado, many financial donations were received. Very careful consideration and many, many late nights allowed our team to determine how the funds should be allocated. This was no easy task. It took many phone calls to those affected, many visits to properties and some really hard decisions. The focus was to distribute funds in a balanced manner based on need, insurance coverage and the goal of seeing everyone back into their home. The funds while significant were limited and we not able to help everyone 100% but the team's effort far exceeded the 100% effort.
It took almost 2 years but the WCDR team has completed its task of funding allocation and distribution as well as logistical support. The effort put forward by first responders, volunteers, many different NGO's and the city of Ottawa was extraordinary. We cannot begin to thank you all enough for the support you have to show West Carleton during these past few challenging years of one disaster after another. We are hoping for a break from disasters soon so we can focus on properly thanking you all.
Unfortunately, we are not done yet.
We are still working strong as West Carleton residents affected by the flood of 2019 are still struggling with their recovery. Disaster burnout is real and is having a deep impact on our ability to assist especially with the realities of Covid-19 at our doorsteps. With your continued support, our dedicated group of volunteers will continue to fight for a full recovery for all of our residents affected.
Update: Aug 31, 2020

Donation Allocation
100 % of donations to Dunrobin Disaster Assistance, WCDR, Dunrobin Community Association and Westcarletonrelief.ca are used to provide
material and financial aid to the tornado
survivors. The WCDR Board allocates relief
based on a review of circumstances and does
not have access to information during the
review that identifies a specific recipient.
As of June 5, 2019 WCDR has received $746K
in funding commitments, which includes
$368K in "directed" program funding for the
community from our partner agencies.
WCDR continues to engage our donors and
the community to prioritize how we allocate
the funds raised.
Please view our financials sheet for details

The Board has approved sixteen circumstance based measures to address critical issues including: Inspection and repair of temporary fixes, structural engineering & septic reports, security patrols within Dunrobin Village, utility reconnection, tree removal, temporary storage, soil remediation, tree planting, and replacement of essential infrastructure not covered by insurers (wells, septics etc). These expenditures are ongoing as needs are identified and/or met.
As rebuilding progresses please check back to see our progress; we will be there to support
our community and to let you know how you can continue to assist.
Your emotional health:
West Ottawa Community Resource Centre are available for local & group counselling for survivors: call 613-591-3686 and ask to speak to a tornado counsellor or visit the drop-in at the WC Community Complex, across from Eli's Office, 9 to 3 on Fridays and from 9 to 12 on Saturdays.
Disaster Recovery Assistance for Ontarians (DRAO): 1-844-780-8925 /
DEADLINE JANUARY 21. Feedback on progress of applications and support during negotiations is welcome and available
Red Cross: Providing financial assistance for people “struggling in a variety of ways. The funding raised for the families affected by the 2018 Tornado has now been spent or allocated. There will be no further individual payments made.
Insurance Issues: Insurance Bureau of Canada:
· Questions & Complaints; 1-844-227-5422
· Advocacy, to work on your behalf; Pete Karageorgos, Director Consumer & Industry Relations 416-362-2031 / pkarageorgos@ibc.ca
Food: West Carleton Food Access Centre: 613-832-5685 / wcfoodaid@gmail.com, please call or email Mary for anything you need and to arrange a pick up time.
Household items & services: Disaster Ottawa – Household Item Exchange (FB) (this is the place for people to post any furniture etc. they would like to donate,
Clothing: Savvy Seconds, 5670 Carp Road: 613-240-8644 / vljones@ymail.com, please email Vera for anything you need.
Councillor; El-Chantiry: 613-580-2475 / el-chantiry@ottawa.ca
Engineering Reports: WCDR will commission structural reports for residents wanting a second opinion:
Housing: Marc Papineau and his team at help@dreamlivingott.ca, (at this time we do not require new accommodations)
Property Tax refunds/deferrals: taxadjustments@ottawa.ca
HST REBATE (for new or substantially renovated homes): https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency
Tree Removal: WCDR crews, cranes, and other equipment are available to remove broken and hung up trees. The service has wrapped up for the winter but will resume in the spring:
Storage: WCDR will make storage containers and storage units at Blue Moon available to protect uninsured property: westcarletonrelief@gmail.com. We encourage residents to contact WCDR for assistance in relocating any unattended PODs still in the village to a more secure & monitored location.
Bell - please call the special Tornado assistance line; 1-877-491-4844
Enbridge Gas - 613-748-6890
Electrical Safety Authority - 1-877-372-7233 / esasafe.com
Hydro One - 613-748-6890 / customercommunications@hydroone.com / hydroone.com
Have a question for a community contact?
Need a bit of support? Email wcdrcontacts@gmail.com and one of our Community Contacts will get back to you.
Please join the West Carleton Relief Families facebook group for private information just for those who have been affected by the storm.
Donate By Mail:
1151 Thomas A Dolan Pkwy
Dunrobin, ON
K0A 1T0
payable to "DCA"